Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Before I die...

I've been wallowing in a lot of the "I can't do it" things lately and thought I needed an "I'm gonna do it" pick-me-up!  What better way than to write a bucket list!

Before I die, I would like to do/see each of these things...
  • One More Tattoo (maybe)-I have two tattoos.  One is a butterfly on my lower right back that I got when I was 18.  Beautiful, but not really memorable.  Then there's the pear on my right foot that I got with my bestie Rae because we each have twins (and that I am determined to get our other twinkie mom bestie, Lys, to get too!).  I want at least one more of my kids initials, AJCT.  I actually have it drawn out too.  I say "at least" because for now, that is all I want, but I may want more in the future.  Never put limitations on yourself...
  • Travel-Italy, France, England (SALLY!!!), Ireland, Scotland, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, Mexico, FIJI (Where I always say I am going to run away to!), Japan, China, Russia, Egypt....I'm pretty sure I want to go everywhere.  But if I get at least three of these locations in, I'm satisfied!
  • Explore my roots-I'm 1/4 Scottish and 1/4 Filipino, the rest is European/Scandinavian mutt.  I really want to go to Scotland and learn about the culture and my family heritage.  I would love to go to the Philippines too, but for some reason Scotland is higher on my list.
  • Sky Dive-Truth be told, I never wanted to sky dive before.  But when my Uncle was losing his battle with cancer last summer, each morning I would tell him what we were going to do that day with something outrageous and not really possible.  One day it was to get a tattoo, another day was to work out at Venice Beach, and one day it was to go sky diving.  He laughed at all my funny suggestions, but with sky diving he said, "That's one I wish I could do."  Since then, I've wanted to do it for him.  I'm absolutely terrified at just thinking about it.  But I'm going to do it!
  • Broadway-I am such a theater geek!  I want to see at least one show on Broadway.  I want to go to New York and feel that epic energy exuding from the city.  I want to go to the mecca of theater and have that experience.
  • Drive at 100mph-My mom used to do this thing during our long trips from PA to MI when I was younger, where she would speed up her Celica to 100mph before our exit, and then coast all the way off the ramp.  Sounds so dangerous and stupid, but it was so exciting for me.  I've wanted to do it ever since, but I'm a chicken and am scared I will lose control or something.
  • Be Published-I want at least one of my photographs to grace the pages of a book or magazine for all the world to see.  I want to walk into a store, flip open that book or magazine and see my photo staring back at me.
  • Have a Surprise Party-This one is really not something I want to do but that I want done for me.  I want someone to throw me a surprise party.  I want hundreds of balloons (my mom, dad, and my sister will know why), I want everyone dressed up, I want all my friends there (even the ones that live very far away, *cough cough* Rae, Sally *cough*), I want to feel like I'm the most important person in the world to these people for at least that very moment.
  • Start a Charity-Maybe something to do with photography and special needs children. I want to photograph them.  I want to be their advocate.  I want to raise money for them and make others aware of them.  I want to show the world how absolutely beautiful and special these children are.  I want everyone to fall in love with them like I do.
  • Sports Car-I'm buying another sports car at some point.  I want it to be red, and I want it to be manual.  And it has to look absolutely fabulous. I will except no less!
Hmmm...that's a good start.  But I'm thinking I will add on to this later. 

So, followers, tell me some of your bucket list items.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things on my list is to come see yooouuuu!
    And I have been to Edinburgh a few times but really want to explore more rural Scotland and the Highlands etc - see ya there?
    Also, I think your idea for a charity is just fabulous. I can really see it working and I can really see you capturing children's personalities and the twinkle in their eye.


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