Monday, August 22, 2011

I got nothin'...

So I've neglected blogging for a month or two.  Really....I have a good reason, I promise!  And it's not some excuse like, "I'm so busy."  Yadda yadda...nope, it's this:  I GOT NOTHIN'!!!

I started off this blog with a bang.  One of the best blogs I have written....EVER.  War at Walmart started it all.  I've written quite a bit before.  But with that blog everyone and their brother told me they want me to become a writer.  It was a damn good story, if I do say so myself.

From there, I had the "pleasure" of dress shopping for my sister's wedding, and I was so delighted to have all of you accompany me as I went through hell.  Again, good, funny stuff to write about.  And it was super enjoyable and therapeutic to get that out.

Then we went through everything with Tyson's hospitalizations and freaking weird illness thingy.  I needed to write to keep myself sane.  I needed somewhere to speak to no one in particular about what was going on.   I needed to get my thoughts and feelings out.  I needed the support that was poured out over me and my family.

After that, I slowed down.  Now I'm to a point where I feel like I need something good going on or something  profound to say in order to write it.  I feel like life isn't interesting enough right now to put forth the effort to make it public knowledge.  In complete honesty, I think I have nothing to say that will keep you all entertained!

I need to remember why I did this.  It's not about you, it's about me.  Who cares if I have nothing do say that is interesting?  If I want to say it, then I'm gonna do it, because obviously there's a reason for me to want to talk about it, right?  Right....

Now...with that said...I still got nothin', so no more writing tonight!


  1. Wait...what...your blog isn't about me..think I will cry now you just I broke my heart. Taylor we love you and you know it, you'd have fans if you just told us what you ate each day ;)

  2. Cheesecake....its all I got to say!! :-P


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