Monday, November 7, 2011

Big Bully 2: Big Bully Bus Driver?

Dear Bus Driver,
I realize you are shoved on to a bus with a crap ton of unruly students and have to focus on driving them safely to and from school each day.  That's why I offered a suggestion on how to keep my child from getting bullied on your bus.  Your contention towards me and putting down my idea immediately IN FRONT OF MY CHILD all the while telling me how he is such a bad kid is NOT acceptable.  I'm trying to make your job easier.  I tried to work this out with you, but obviously you are no help.  I'm skipping you now and moving upward.  If being a pro-active parent who makes suggestions to teachers, bus drivers, and other authority figures on how to stop bullying is a bad thing...then I just wanna be bad!

A mom who has been there, and won't let my kid be there any longer

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