Friday, December 9, 2011

Clear or Rainbow Polka Dots on Plaid

For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

Today's Word:  Color


For years when anyone asked me what my favorite color was I would say, "Clear" or "Rainbow polka dots on plaid."  I honestly haven't, and don't, have a favorite color.  I can't commit to the simple task of choosing a color which I believe is the best of the best.  I worry that I will end up with a million things that are purple, that everyone will buy gifts for me that are blue, that I am neglecting orange and pink and red....  I'm so neurotic!

Although I don't have a favorite color, I do know and appreciate the benefits of how colors affect my mood and outlook on what's going on externally in my life.  I've surrounded myself with orange quite often as it brightens me up, makes me lift myself out of a slump, makes me happy.  I've noticed I will where blue, gray, or purple when I'm feeling down.  I where white when I'm wanting to look sleek, clean, elegant, and black when I want to look mysterious, sexy...and of course, thin.

Colors really do have an impact on mood.  In DBT therapy, we were talk many techniques using colors to regulate ourselves in intensely emotional times.  To feel calm, visualize breathing in blue, breathing out red.  To distract yourself to get out of emotional mind, choose one color and name as many objects as you can that are associated with that color (, granny smith apples, frogs, leaves, etc).  Feeling angry?  Take a red crayon and color the hell out of a piece of paper in frantic scribbles.

Maybe that's why I can't pick a favorite color...I have bipolar disorder, my moods swing back and forth to high extremes.  If color reflects mood...and I am either clear or rainbow polka dots on plaid....



  1. Colors definitely can represent (or provoke) a variety of images and emotions, can't they?

  2. Visiting from the Gypsy Mama. I love this. I'm glad you are rainbow polkdots on plaid. No need to pick a favorite when there are so many wonderful colors to share in.

    My hairdresser and I spent quite some time trying to figure out how to dye hair in a plaid pattern. We never did come up with a workable plan. We also thought about how to make plaid jello, but once again, we were stumped. I guess those things will just live on in my imagination.

  3. I agree, that picking a favorite color is a hard thing to do. I love color and the variety of colors and shades that surround us every day. Your post is beautifully written.

  4. With some many colors, why should one be forced to pick just one. Enjoyable read.

  5. Taylor, I posted some photos of the hot pink foyer and hot pink Christmas tree if you want to see them.

  6. Cute.Cute. Love your 5 minutes on color. Picking a favorite color is hard once I get beyond pink. I love fuchsia, but white comes in second. Hmmm, such a boring beautiful color. white! Blessings


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