Thursday, April 28, 2011


I've been having an inward battle with myself about my faith.  I'm so mad at God right now.  My husband, Luke, has studied Christianity quite a bit and this morning I tearfully said, "Is it ok for me to be mad at what God is doing right now?"  What a relief it was for someone to say to me that it is!

Everyone and their brother always says, "God will never give you something that He thinks you can't handle."  God must think I'm a super hero.  But I still can't help being mad at God for giving me all of this.  God, can you also give me a long vacation from the stuff you think I can handle?  Preferably somewhere tropical...

I looked up "anger towards God" on the internet just to make sure.  I love and trust my husband, but I kind of wanted to hear someone else say it too.  Here's something I saw in passing:
"God understands. You are a human with emotions, one of them is anger. If you have a meaningful relationship with God you may become angry at times."
God made us who we are. He gave us our emotions.  He gave us anger.  He knows that it is in our nature to feel angry.  As long as I keep my faith, He is ok with me being angry.

So we have established that being angry at God is alright....Now let's tackle the fact that I think God is angry at me...

I said this to Luke this morning as well.  He said, "What would God be angry at you about?"  I have no idea!  But that's what I feel like because He has given me way too much (of course, not by His standards because He thinks I'm Super Taylor).  Again, this is human nature.  When I am forced to figure out why the heck any of these trials are happening, I immediately think that I'm being punished.  It's human nature to ask "Why me?"  I wish I had a direct line to God so I can ask, "Why do you think I am strong enough for this?"  If I have a reason, I think I could handle this better.  But having a reason means not having faith.  I just have to trust God.  Obviously, He trusts me to do this, so I trust that he has not given me too much.

A quick prayer: Dear Lord, You trust me, and I trust you.  Please give me the strength to rely on that trust as that is the only thing that will get me through these trials.  My faith will be everlasting.  I will not give up, as I know you will not give up on me. Amen.

So now I leave you with some reassuring words directly from God...well, more for me than you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. -Proverbs 3:5
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? -Psalm 56:3-4
Lastly, if you want updates on Tyson please visit this page:


  1. They saying shouldn't be God doesn't give us things we can't handle. The saying is this--- God gives us the strength to handle what we are given.

    Praying for you answers for you guys, its so heartbreaking that you have no answers. Thinking of you a million times a day, sending love.

  2. I like the way the previous commenter reworded it. Also, I think the Psalm 56 quote is your key here. A lot of times God DOES give us things that we can't handle as a way of reminding us of how much we need to rely on Him. I know that's easy for me to say since I'm not going through this. I struggle with the same faith stuff you are when much smaller problems are happening. Have you read Job? He gets seriously PO'ed with God, and he doesn't get any good answers, just a reminder that God is in control and that he won't understand God's reasons. So if you put God's ultimate control together with the fact that He is working all things for good for those who trust Him, then trust is all you need. I'm not saying that you'll always get what you want when you trust Him, but that in the end He will give you His best for you. I hope that helps.

  3. Love your way of putting it, Lori! Ima steal that.

    Mel, I have read Job and I relate with him. When I feel like giving up, I remember that Job kept his faith and God rewarded him for it. I've been reading scriptures from Job all week keeping myself going.


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