Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Patience, Hope, and Faith

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles." ~ Charles Chaplin

We're still in the hospital with no answers.  If you want to get updates on Tyson, you can go here.  It's a Facebook fan page.  We've had it for years to keep those who have followed us from Tyson's birth to keep updated on his health and development.  I've been updating pretty often.  So I'm not going to drone on here about technical medical stuff.

I know there's an answer out there some where.  Something is going on, and we will figure it out and make it all better.  Finding that answer is testing my patience.  Talk about the very worst way to test my patience.  What mother can watch as their child seemingly going through torture and say to herself, "If I'm patient, we will be able to fix this."  I'd like to kick patience in the nuts right now.

I'm not giving up hope though.  I may want to bitch slap patience, but I will hold hope's hand.  And along with hope, I have faith that God knows what He's doing, and He would never do this to me without a reason.

One of the most awesome doctors in the world is our intensivist today.  During rounds he totally pulled a "Dr. House" type meeting (with the out-of-the-box thinking, not the mean ol' curmudgeon thing).  You could almost see the gears in his head spinning.  "Test for everything", he said.  Then he looked me directly in the eye, "We don't have a definitive answer yet, but we will find it.  I promise."  Do you know any doctors that will promise you something like that?

So "Dr. House" and his team are going to figure it out.  For now, let him sleep.  When he's awake he begs to "wake up" from whatever he is experiencing during all of this.  Sleep gives him peace from this torture.  Sweet dreams, baby boy....we'll figure this out. I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blogs, you right as smoothly as a knife cuts through warm butter. Much love from our family to yours.~Niki Stilson


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