Friday, June 10, 2011

Kids these days!

Ooooo-eeee!  I'm hot! I mean mad.  Like steam coming out of my ears, red faced, wanna go bitch someone, MAD!

Anyone that I knew when I was a teenager that was an adult (like older than 20), I referred to them as "Mrs. So-and-So" or "Coach blah-dee-blah".  I respected them, I looked up to them...frankly, I feared them because I was a freaking kid and they had been through what I was going through already, so they knew better.

And even now that I am grown up, I still refer to those people in the same fashion and with the same respect.  To me, even though I am an adult as well, they are "more" an adult than I am, so they win.  Even when they have become my friends in an adult relationship, I still admire and respect them to the fullest and would never ever ever even barely, slightly, think about even considering talking to them as if they were an equal and especially not as if they were a child.

I am appalled and seriously disappointed when anyone breaks those boundaries and thinks that is appropriate.  And when it happens to me, now that I am 30, far past my teen years, mother of 4, married for 7 years (on Sunday, Woot!), been through more than anyone can even think of in the last 5 years of my life...phew, you cannot fathom how angry I am right now at the insolence of some snide little girl who is now 24 that I knew when she was 16-18ish, thinking that she can talk to me in such a manner.

Why are kids these days so rude?  Why do they think they can talk to people the way they do?  Where the hell did we all go wrong to have spawned this unruly generation?  Yes, yes, there are some good golden ones out there.  That cannot be overlooked, but they are so few and far between that I'm just sickened by most people from the ages of 16-25 these days.

Tell me, oh sage advisors, did my generation do this to you?  Was I like this 5 years ago?  And how do you get passed it?  How do you not feel like a piece of shit when you have been so disrespected by some child?

And how do we teach our children not to grow up like this?  The world has gone soft.  Children see their parents as friends and not respected figures.  Remember when you used to say, "My daddy is my hero!"?  No one says that anymore.  That then bleeds into society where your coach is your coach for 4 years and then once you walk down that aisle and move your tassel to the other side of your hat they're no longer "coach", but your new best friend, your bar buddy and you don't think twice to point out that you're an "adult" now.

It's sick....I'm pissed....needed to vent...hopefully some young kids read this and realize they need to respect those that love and care for you enough to be a significant part in your teen life (which by the way is probably the hardest part of your life) and start appreciating people more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Taylor, I could go on for DAYS about this topic...but I won't! (don't want to clog up your blog he he he)... After teaching middle school in Allentown, I seriously had things said to myself, coworkers and administration that I STILL would never say to ANYONE! I worked my damnest to instill some respect & most were by the end but a few I still think about and feel completely shocked and angry about. Also, we had an incident where we went to one of my best friend's weddings. A coworker of my husband's old company who is around 23, 24 brought a date (if thats what you want to call her) and she literally DISGUSTED me! The way she talked to us, the I KNOW how to drink party attitude, the looking like a tramp.. in shock I tell you! No, we were NOT this way. At least I wasn't, and doubt you were! Like I said.. I could go on for days..but I'll zip my lips for now! (something I wish kids knew how to do these days)
    Love Mandy


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