Friday, November 11, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Unexpected

For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

Today's Word:  Unexpected

By Completely Wired  (


I met someone about a year ago.  She and I are both creative and crafty selling our own goods online.  I met her just by networking with other crafters, just to get my name out there.  No more reason behind it but that.  But she's become one of my favorite friends.

Our sense of humor is identical, our personalities are so complimentary, we even share the same mental illness diagnosis.  I "get" her, and she "gets" me.  When I say, "I'm having a shitty day", she knows what that means before and better than anyone else does. That is immeasurable.

Earlier this week, I was feeling rather down about having to pay nearly $4000 for Annie to get her teeth and jaw fixed.  Unexpectedly, I got a key chain in the mail.  It's hand-stamped with "You are going to be okay."   Perfect timing!  Thanks, Trisha!



  1. Friends like that are truly amazing, aren't they?

    What a perfect gift. :) (Both the keychain, and the friend!)

  2. What a lovely and thoughtful gift xx

    Btw, if I had a PC at home, my guilty pleasure would be reading your blog in bed. I don't read it enough. Either in bed or elsewhere! Just sayin'.

  3. What a sweet post! Isn't it wonderful when we find a new friend?

  4. There is nothing like a good and thoughtful friend!

  5. What a treasure you have in a good friend!

  6. It is nice when friends come into our life and we are able to connect in so many ways. I am so glad you have a friend that understands and supports you.


Be nice, or thou shalt be banished!