Friday, April 15, 2011

What am I talking about?

After my last post, some random person following me on Twitter (hunnybunny823 if you want to follow) suggested I submit my blog to a directory because they think I should have more people reading what I write.  Wowwee that someone I don't even know would be so supportive and want my writings to be read by others!  That was totally flattering!  Way to boost someone's confidence especially when their latest blogs have been about low self-esteem.

I kinda brushed off the suggestion though.  I figured if people liked what I write they would pass it on to others (please feel free to do this anytime!).  And if people didn't like what I write, so what!  I am writing for myself anyway.

Then I thought about it a little bit....I often feel like I am the only one like me, the only mom struggling with my own mental illness and a special needs child and every day stuff as well.  Wouldn't it be nice if I said something that helped others?  So ok, I think this directory thing may be a good idea.  I don't care if I get more followers, but I do care if I end up showing others like me that they are not alone.

I did a search for free blog directories and clicked on the first link.  I went to submit my blog URL and it tells me to put my blog into a category.  I drew a blank.  How do I categorize my manic brain???  I write about the river of thoughts that stream rampant through my brain just picking out one soggy topic at a time.  But my next soggy topic could very well be completely different.  Remember what a hard time I had picking out clothes to wear the otehr day?  This is a little more overwhelming.

My first thought was, "Am I being to broad in my topics/writings?"  I pondered this a while after staring at the categories listed.  But then I remembered that I didn't want to limit myself to what I can talk about. This is all about allowing me to understand my own thoughts by getting them out in writing.  Since my brain isn't selective on what it thinks about, my blogs can't be selective on what to write about.

So I decided to submit my URL to a few blog directories using different categories each time.  Maybe it will bring a flow of people wanting to read what I have to say...maybe not.  At least I know I'm out there if they need me.

After this though, I'm not caring about who reads my blogs anymore.....maybe.... ;-)

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