Monday, January 16, 2012

One of those kinds of naps...

Have you ever had one of those naps where you are so deeply into sleep that you are completely oblivious to the world and you wake up thinking "Where the hell am I?"....and you haven't been drinking or doing any other psychotropic self-medicating to get it....

Every Sunday, when the TV turns to football just after noon, that's my cue to take a nap.  It's like a switch goes off in my brain, and I can no longer function.  My body gets heavy, my eye lids decide that staying open is entirely too much work, and I sink into sleep....usually in my recliner just after I have thought that I can probably endure football for a little bit.  Then Luke will inevitably say, "Go take a nap, baby."  Music to my ears!

Yesterday, I curled up in my bed and pulled my heated blanket up over me.  It was barely hitting 20 degrees outside.  Our upstairs is notoriously frigid.  In fact, I can keep a glass of water next to my bed, and it remains cold enough to drink for days.  I set the blanket's temperature thingy-ma-bob at 4, right in the middle of it's settings.  Oh so toasty...perfect...

I was pulled into a deep, deep sleep.  My body and brain were so tired that I don't even think my mind had enough energy to dream.  I was hugged by the heat of my blankets as I floated around in my nothing-ness with my cheetah blankey snuggled against my cheek.  It was one of those things I wanted to go on forever....

The light turned on and I hear, "Um Mom-bee?"  Tyson, our only child home at the time, was waking me up with his own personal term of endearment for me.  I opened my eyes as my body still slept all heavy and weak.  I sleepily said, "Hi Ty-bee.  Is it time to get up?"  I turned to look at the clock and realized I had been sleeping for 2 hours.  Hardly a record for me.  In fact, that's pretty normal of a nap in my case.  But I was in that solid sleep that could have gone on for several hours.  I flopped my head back on the pillow as Tyson came to the side of my bed telling me to get up so he could watch Spiderman.  "Where's Daddy?" I said.  He says, "Sweepin' down dairs."  Ah, the curse of Sunday afternoon football has hit him as well!

I reluctantly got up feeling like my body was definitely telling me something.  I must have needed rest either from what happened prior to the nap or what was coming...  A few hours later, I figured out why.

Apparently, my body was preparing me for an emotionally fueled evening brought to us by the letter E.  I won't go into it, all I can say is it's a situation that I'm done bending over backwards for and ready to let the court figure it out.

Did I really awaken from pure heaven for this?  Some days I think that constantly....  Sigh....  Now to find the next day where I don't think that...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, a heated blanket. I need me one of those.

    I don't dare lie down to take a nap. It's all over then. Head down on table for a few minutes. That's. It.


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