Friday, January 20, 2012

He's Amazing...

Tyson has been trach free for 2 months now.  He's had two colds in the meantime...and he's gotten through them so much easier than he ever has before.  Now that there isn't easy access for the germs to go directly to his lungs, his head colds stay head colds instead of inevitably becoming pneumonia.

While Tyson was trached for those 4.5+ years, we always said that when he got that darn thing out for good we were going to have a huge party.  And now it's time for that!  On January 28th, Tyson gets to have his very own celebration of life, perseverance, hope, faith, and health.  Our boy has made it through so much and although this is only the end of one part in his life, the journey is not over.

I was working on Tyson's DVD slideshow all day yesterday.  It will play continuously at his party displaying the very reason we are there to celebrate.  As I was going through the photos and video clips, I was brought back to those moments so vividly.  I spent much of yesterday with a huge smile on my face and big tears falling from my eyes.

I remember that day he first smiled and I caught it on camera...

I remember that day that he lay in that big huge hospital bed looking like a little doll in his little blue hospital gown (which I kept, by the way!).

I remember the day we met Dr. Grifka, and I remember the grilled cheese and tomato soup I ate at the hospital that Friday night.

I remember holding both my boys on my lap for the first time watching them smile and giggle at each other.  I remember that they got hiccups at exactly the same time.  The first time I ever got to feel like I really did have twins.

I remember whispering to my son that he didn't have to stay for me, that if he wanted to go with God it was ok.  I felt like I gave up, but I didn't want him to hurt anymore.

And I remember that moment that Tyson refused to give up himself.

I remember watching him fight his physical therapist and teachers during therapy, just to show them all up by doing what they wanted on his own a few hours after they left.  Sitting, crawling, walking....he was never supposed to do all that.  But he did, and even better, he did it on his own time to show his strength and will.

I remember when he first got his freedom from his tubes and he ran around the living room like a terrorist sprung free from prison.  And I remember that smile.

Oh that smile....

I remember each moment so vividly.  I swam through the sea of memories yesterday, then I looked at my miracle boy who never gave up with new eyes last night.  He's amazing....  I can't think of a better thing to celebrate and a better reason to party!


  1. I'm sobbing! And I don't know you at all, but I love how God can use stories like this to touch hearts. Thrilled for all of you as you celebrate the life that has been so valiantly fought for. Congratulations to Tyson!!! Thank you so very much for sharing!!!

  2. As you know, I've been following the twins for a long time now. I am always amazed at how far they have come, especially Tyson. They are the reason why I walked in a March of Dimes walk a few years ago!

  3. Wow, God is truly amazing. He healed your son. What a wonderful blessing. I enjoyed the video. Your son is an amazing fighter. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

    Thank your for stopping by place.


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