Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I am an artist.

(Please Note:  All photos by Taylor Sawyer (ME!) copyrighted to SnapDragon Photography: It is ILLEGAL to steal/reproduce/print/right-click/etc any of these photos with out MY WRITTEN CONSENT! ©SnapDragon Photography  www.snapdragon-photography.com)

I've heard about people suing other people for someone stealing their idea.  Like those two guys in The Social Network who were suing Zuckerberg for Facebook.  I never really thought anyone that did this had a real reason to do it.  And then I became a photographer.

All photographers take photos that are similar.  The cookie cutter baby shots of feet with mommy and daddy's wedding rings.  The typical family portraits.  The newspaper proper engagement photo.  The ribbon on the pregnant belly...the newbie with alphabet blocks.
©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/

©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/
©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/

The fact is these photos are popular and are what our clients want.  I do these photos probably with every shoot I do.  But there's a reason my clients pick me over other people...and that is because of photos like these:

©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/

©SnapDragon Photography  http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/
©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/

©SnapDragon Photography http://www.snapdragon-photography.com/

Not only do I do what everyone expects from a photo shoot, "the norm", I make art as well.  I create my own vision.  I have an idea in my head and then I work to bring it to life for my clients and viewers to enjoy.  Not only do I do it for my clients, but more importantly, I do it for myself.  I love doing this.  This is my passion.

So when I work my tail off to produce a unique photo for a client, when I bust my butt to create something new and different, when I am proud of something that I gave birth to from my soul, it tears me to pieces when someone ends up mimicking my original creations.

Anyone can hold a camera and push a button.  Anyone can read a book about depth of field and composition.  Anyone can take a picture.  But only an ARTIST can be a "photographer".  Only an artist can capture an exceptional view at life that makes someone want to display that photo on their wall and treasure it forever.

I've had this happen to me on more than one occasion now.  And I honestly feel like someone is stealing my soul when they do it.  I cannot copyright my creativity, only the actual image that I produce.  Frankly, and for lack of better words, that absolutely sucks!  I cannot lie, it makes me want to stop letting the public see my work, to take my own photos and keep them all for myself.  Or adversely, remove my heart from the work, which then results in craptastic photography.  It's a conundrum!

So as a non-artist reading this particular blog, doesn't it make you want to respect art and appreciate those who create it all the more?  I hope so.  I don't want to stop doing what I love because of people like that.

Pass it on....

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