Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Clothes

"I changed my clothes, You like?" says my Blog.

Felt like I needed a change.  Partly because my monitor isn't being friendly with colors lately (grrrr) so orange is overbearing, and partly because I'm never happy with being stagnant.

I thought about horizontal stripes to make myself look thinner.  And I thought about a pink tutu to make myself look younger.  But I went for a more subdued sleek and clean look.  Whaddaya think?

Interesting blog, huh?  Man, I'm losing my mojo and talking about dressing my blog up in clothes.  Lord, help me!

Well, I've had a shitty emotional day.  Nothing in particular is making me feel sad.  Except perhaps my period coming, but I don't even know when that is, so that's a guess.  The weather was gloomy today.  Just overcast and then this steady rain for a while.  That always brings me down.  Made me tired, made me weepy.

Out of no where, I just felt like crying this afternoon.  Nothing made me cry, I just did.  Luke was sitting on his chair watching TV, and I just laid my head down in his lap and cried and cried.  And then I fell asleep.  I guess I just needed to do it.  I still have no idea what set it off.  It just happened.

When I wrote my blog this evening, I got sick of staring at orange, especially the violently bright orange that my monitor is spewing forth to my innocent eyes.  I felt like it was offensive to my mood.  And then that made me think that it didn't fit some of my posts, only my happy fun ones.  I had to go with something that would suit both.  So for now this will do.  It's pretty and calming and elegant looking.  And it makes me look thinner!

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