Monday, June 27, 2011

Things I think...

This is just an insight into my manic brain. Please note, when I say "you" or anything like that, I'm not necessarily talking about anyone in particular.  These are just things I think often.

Am I cool enough to be your friend?
I wonder if you're ever out with your other friends and you think, "I wish Taylor were here."
Did you notice my zit? I think you're looking at it.  Stop looking at it!
OMG!  Did I put make-up on today before I ran into you at Walmart?
I wish you liked me as much as her.
Did I look like a dork?
Why did I say that?
I'm not really interested in talking to you because I gotta potty, so I don't even know what you are saying.
What word am I thinking?  Oh, I'm going to sound really stupid if I use that word in the wrong context!
I could do that waaaaay better than you!
I totally don't get how your mind works!
I'm pretty sure you're joking, because I don't think that's pretty/good work so I don't see how you do.
You really hurt my feelings but I don't know how to tell you that without sounding pathetic.
I soooo could use that as a photo prop!
I have money in my bank account, so I have to spend it and I have to do it now!
I need to end our friendship because I'd rather not feel like poo because you love your other friends more than me.
If you talk to me like I'm a child one more time, I'm going to kick you in the knee!
I really should do, I'll do it tomorrow.
Geez, I'm hungry!
I wish I were as cool as you.
I wonder if you wonder how I'm doing as much as I wonder how you are doing.
Do I seem stalkerish if I try to talk to you every day?
I'd rather be napping right now.
I'm totally going to blog this!
I wonder if you realize I haven't heard a word you are saying because I'm thinking of something else.
If I give more, people will love me more.
I am so angry right now that I could rip off your head an spit on the bloody stump that is your neck. Just sayin'.
Dammit, I should have thought before I said something.
I could have worn that....10 years ago! I wonder if you remember when I was skinny.
I wonder if you will realize I'm talking about you in my blog.
I don't understand why you like her?  I'm way cooler!
The only reason you can do that better than me is because you have the money to buy better equipment.
And you say you're a professional?
Can I smell your baby's head?  Seriously...I just like how it smells!
Did you wash your hands?
So I was just winging it there, but please make it look like I totally knew what I was doing!
That's it!  I'm runnin' away!
I just wanna lay in my bed and not do anything all day long....except eat, of course.
You really should be praising me for doing what I did so very very well! Or you will give me a complex!
How the hell did I get such a fat face?
You should really like me a lot more than you like her!
I like to make it look like I don't care, but I really do.
Can you do this for me?  I don't wanna.
Fiji....nuff said.
I have a craving for mushrooms.
Any woman under 150 pounds is stupid!  Grrrrr!
Me me me!  Why aren't you thinking about ME?!

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