Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Too Old

Annie (my 8 year old daughter) and I were at the craft store yesterday milling around through the fabrics.  Two blond girls were in the same row as us looking at a retro, flowery bolt of vinyl fabric, and one said, "I love this!  I want a skirt made out of it."  Under my breath I said, "Oh to be in college again."  And the one who said it say, "Naw, I'm not in college, I'm 30!  I'm just weird like that!"  She made me smile!

Then today, I saw a woman I know who is in her 50s, and she has a little pink stud in her nose.  My immediate thought was that she was way too old for that trend.

Both of these occurrences have left me pondering why one can be "too old" for certain trends.  Why can't a 30 year old wear a vinyl mini skirt?  Why can't a 50 year old adorn their nose with a little jewel?  Why can't I wear a tutu if I want to?

Damn the man!  Because it's socially unacceptable, I can't walk around in a pettiskirt...but my 8 year old daughter can for at least another year or two before she's "too old" for the trend.  But what if I really really REALLY like tutus?  Even better, what if I want to dye my 30 year old hair with purple streaks (something I've wanted to do for a while)?  People are going to look at me funny, but if a teen did it, they'd get props from their peers.

In all actuality, I like wearing sweats and a t-shirt (preferably with no bra which I can only do around the house)...or jammie pants all the time.  I guess if I was in a fun mood I would prance around in a tutu...around the house, that is.  It's sad that we look at people in disgust when their preferences are different than ours.  There shouldn't be an age limit on trends.

So I told that girl who was actually a woman that I think the skirt would be perfect for her.  And I told the woman with the bejewelled nose that I like the little pink sparkle.  And I hope the next time someone sees me prancing around in fluffy pink tutu that they don't look at me funny, they just smile and praise me for wearing what I want.


  1. Love the post! Now I want a tutu! :o)

  2. I thought I left a comment the other day! UGh... My phone makes me sooo mad.

    I'm 36 and have big tattoos and bright red hair. People want to judge, but who really gives a damn what people think? I'm happy like that. I was always different, but tried so hard to be "normal" for years and it just brought me misery. I'm more comfortable in my skin like this.

    Wear what you want, be who you want. It's who you are that counts and anyone that can't see that you're one cool chick is stupid. Just cause we're moms and not in college anymore doesn't mean we need to resign ourselves to mom jeans and Dr. Scholls. Be bold and be you. (Plus... hubs might LIKE the tutu... :)


Be nice, or thou shalt be banished!