Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Life got so busy before the trip to California (or Cowdafonia, if you are talking Tyson-ese) and the wedding.  I neglected blogging.  Which is unfortunate since it probably would have kept me sane through the chaos.  Regardless, everything went well.  Even my dress situation from hell.

We left for California on July 25.  I thought Ty would be fraught with anxiety about flying, but surprisingly, he was the best out of all the kids!  No freak outs at all!  He even pulled his own suitcase through the airport.
Ty accompanied by Gramma and Steve enjoying some Cars on the laptop.
This shows us that he is in fact getting better from the whole scary debacle in April and May.  He also had great sats and breathing through out the whole trip.  One more thing to tell the pulmonologists when we go back to see them in September to get the go ahead to get that trach out!

We did plenty of fun things while we were there, but I won't bore you with all of it.  But here's some highlights!

Powell's Sweet Shop....I want to live here!

The kids' favorite part was that the pool was right out our back door at the condo!
Loved this little park that we found in Windsor, Ca.  Had to take our traditional family funny face photo here!

Oakland A's vs. Tampa Rays with my Dad, Grampa, Aunt Donna and cousin Jason.  The kids loved their first major league ball game and I'm so glad they got to experience it with my Dad and Grampa like I always did!  Plus, I got to see Johnny Damon! :-)
Luke and I had a date at Guy Fieri's Tex Wasabi's in Santa Rosa.  Besides having a horrible allergic reaction to the barely there avocado that was on my sushi, it was so fab!
The four pack dressed to impress at the champagne reception at Pasternick Wine Cave.
And finally....what you all have been waiting for....THAT STUPID DRESS!!!!!

Sam's brother Andy and I walking down the aisle as best man and matron of honor.

And here's some schnazzy wedding folk!

And last but not least, my favorite time in California was when we brought the kids to the ocean.  It was the first time for Luke and all four kids to see the Pacific Ocean.  The smiles on their faces and all the giggles made it just so memorable!  Sooooo glad we got to do this before we flew home.

My favorite photo of Luke, Cooper, Annie and JJ walking to the water.
And I'll leave you with the Sawyer Six Pack Tradition

1 comment:

Be nice, or thou shalt be banished!