Thursday, September 1, 2011

Public Service Announcement

As a mother with a child with special needs, I want you to teach your children that they shouldn't be afraid of him or anyone like him. They don't have to stare at him and whisper to their sibling or parent about his trach. They can come right up to him (or me) and say, "What is that?"  Tyson loves to tell other kids, "That's my trach!"  Then he will usually do a dance and be happy he made a friend.

Teach them to walk up to a boy with down syndrome and make friends.
Teach them to give a high five to the kid in the wheel chair and ask if he can do wheelies.
Teach them to smile and wave to the little girl with autism.
Teach them to ask to help an aide who is tube feeding another child.

Teach them that even though they are different, they still can be friends, and they do not deserve the stares and whispers.

That is all. Pass it on...

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