Friday, October 21, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Beyond

Let's try something new today!  I was telling my good friend Mel that I love writing and I'm sitting here staring at my blog with no topic but wanting to write.  She told me about one of her friends who does this.  So I think I'm going to give it a go!  Here are the rules:

    Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    Beyond....limits, boundaries, comfort zones....beyond expectations, knowing....beyond abilities....
    I've been feeling like I'm drowning lately.  Too much to do, too much going on, too many kids to take care of, just too much...  I put too much on my plate and it's beyond what I feel I can do.  So I hide.  It's become a normal occurrence in the last week or two for me to go to bed for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  That's beyond acceptable.
    It can't be beyond my abilities, right?  I wouldn't do stuff I couldn't do.  So I can do this.
    I say "I can't" quite a bit.  It's more "I don't want to" if I'm being completely truthful.  It's beyond what I want to do.  Or rather it's beyond what a feel like doing.  Retreating to my cozy bed is so much easier than going beyond what I'm already doing.  That's sad now that I've said that outloud.
    Beyond limits...  
    Into the beyond....  One of my very good friends lost her bestfriend in a car accident a year ago Wednesday.  I had never met this young lady.  But I think I cried as hard as my friend did this week.  I don't think I've ever felt so empathetic for one of my friends before. I knew she was hurting so badly this week remembering her loss.  I felt so useless.  It was beyond what I could do.  I feel helpless when my love doesn't fix something/someone else.  I know that's beyond my abilities, but still.


  1. beyond comfort zones, yes, but it seems, so often, when we look back later, the stretch was good for me.

    Thanks for sharing! you got a lot into that five minutes. :-)

  2. Part 1 - Me too. I put too much on my plate. It was an accident. Better now, but at the time, I wanted to curl up, dry up, disappear. Thank you for sharing your "not wanting to". brought me relief.

    Part 2 - I'm an "overcare" kind of person. Also, doing better in this area. I totally relate to that helpless feeling.

    I'm so glad to have met you today. Thank you for visiting me at my blog home :-))


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