Friday, October 7, 2011

Oh my gosh, I have that!

I was watching a movie today when I was taking a break from the computer screen for work.  It's called "The Switch".  The movie doesn't really matter, just one scene does, but I'll explain it anyway.  Jennifer Aniston's character is going to use artificial insemination to have a baby.  Her best friend, Jason Bateman, spills the "ingredient" in the sink by accident, and ends up refilling the cup with his own "ingredient".  I'm using their words here, so don't think I'm icky.  She gets pregnant, moves away to live near her parents, then comes back to the same area 7 years later. And lo and behold, little Sebastian looks just like his daddy.  And all the same traits too.

Several times in the movie, Sebastian says he has one or another obscure disease, which is much like his father.  As he's explaining to Wally (Bateman's character) about some new illness he has acquired,  Wally says, "I'm somewhat of a hypochondriac too."  Sebastian asks what that is, and after an explanation says with big wide eyes, "Oh. My. God.  I have that!"

Oh wait!  I found the clip!

Me too.  I truly seriously am in pain all of the time, but I tend to have this habit of diagnosing myself.  I'm only 30 (yah, I admitted it).  So why does my body hurt like I'm in my 50s (since I seem to resembling the same issues my mom is having)?  That's why I'm always self-diagnosing.  I truly want to figure out why I feel like poop all the time.

Current Ailments:

  • Ball of right foot in so much pain I cannot put pressure on it.
  • Outer ridge of both feet painful when walking.
  • My knees creak like I have gravel in them.
  • My lower back doesn't seem to want to function correctly.
  • Which in turn is sending sharp pains to my hips.
  • The last few days, my breathing has been feeling really tight and I've been having some chest pains.  This feels a lot like when I had pneumonia, but I have no other symptoms.
I'm pretty sure I'm dying...maybe from one disease, or several all at once that have seemed to attack me and are trying to kill me. 

(DISCLAIMER:  I'm NOT trying to say I want a disease, or diminishing the effects of any other disease.  I'm just stating that I don't feel right.)

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine is looking for an idea for a pear tattoo so I thought of you immediately. Shared your blog with her so she could see your tattoo, and then began reading. A lot of your foot/leg/hip stuff.. I have too. I've been diagnosed with tarsal tunnel syndrome... which is just carpal tunnel in your ankles, it's just a different tunnel. I know you have a podiatrist, so maybe ask about it? Just an idea.


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